This is a currency converter which converts one currency to another one. You have Forex calculator for Forex and Crypto currencies where you can calculate various calculations and if you find one that is missing please send your comment over the contact page.
Below you can find lots of currency converters and some details you will find useful.
- 1 Dubai Currency Converter
- 2 Iceland Currency Converter
- 3 Convert Portuguese Currency to US Dollars
- 4 Currency Converter Jamaica to USD
- 5 Currency Converter USD to ZAR
- 6 Convert Brazil Currency to USD
- 7 Currency Converter AUD to USD
- 8 Venezuela Currency Converter
- 9 Currency Tahiti Converter
- 10 Taiwan Currency Converter
- 11 Bali Currency Converter
- 12 Convert Thailand Currency to USD
- 13 Convertible Virtual Currency
- 14 Costa Rican Currency Converter
- 15 Currency Converter CHF to USD
- 16 Colombian Currency Converter
- 17 Convert Egypt Currency to USD
- 18 Currency Converter SEK to USD
- 19 Currency Converter USD to Danish Krone
- 20 Italian Currency Converter
- 21 Spain Currency Converter
- 22 Convert Norway Currency to USD
- 23 Currency Converter Pesos to USD
- 24 Currency Converter US to Korean Won
- 25 Currency Converter US to North Korean Won
- 26 Currency Converter Vietnam to USD
- 27 Convert Czech Currency to USD
- 28 Currency Converter Peru
- 29 US NZ Currency Converter
- 30 Convert Poland Currency to USD
- 31 Convert USD to Senegal Currency
- 32 Costa Rica Currency Converter
- 33 Currency Converter US Dollar to Turkish Lira
- 34 Laos Currency Converter
- 35 Canadian Dollar Convert Indian Currency
- 36 Zimbabwe Currency Converter
Dubai Currency Converter
Convert Dubai currency to usd with this converter. You can see below what is the current exchange rate of Dubai Dirham which is United Arab Emirates Dirham.
Read more: What is Currency Exchange Rate
UAE Dirham has a short name called AED which you can convert by using a currency converter. You can select any other currency you would like to convert Dirham to.
Currency used in Dubai is Dirham and you can check how much U.S. dollars you would need to convert to get 1 Dirham.
Iceland Currency Converter
Iceland currency converter converts Icelandic Krona to U.S. dollars or to any other currency. You can check the drop down menu to select which currency you want to convert Krona to.
Icelandic currency converter gives you the current exchange rate for a currency you select.
Currency Converter Jamaica to USD
Jamaican currency converter is used to convert Jamaican dollars into U.S. dollars or any other currency on the market.
Here you have converted 1 Jamaican dollar to U.S. dollar and 1 dollar to Jamaican dollar.
Currency Converter USD to ZAR
Currency converter U.S. dollar to ZAR which is South African Rand.
Currency converter for Rand to USD which is U.S. dollar. You can convert Rand to any other currency in the world by selecting it in the drop down menu.
Convert Brazil Currency to USD
Brazil to USD currency converter converts Brazilian Real to U.S. dollar or any other currency. USD is U.S. dollar.
Convert Brazilian currency to USD by selecting the amount of Brazilian Real and get the number of U.S dollars or any other currency.
Currency converter USD to Brazilian Real is another option where you can change position. Enter the amount of U.S. dollars and convert them into Brazilian Real.
Currency Converter AUD to USD
Currency converter from aud to usd which is converting AUstralian Dollar into U.S. dollar.
Currency converter USD to AUD is the opposite way where you can convert U.S. dollars into Australian dollars.
USD to AUD currency converter works in a way where you enter the number of U.S. dollars to convert into Australian dollar AUD.
Australian to US currency converter offers you a way to convert desired amount of AUD, but there is an option to select any other currency you want to convert AUD to.
Venezuela Currency Converter
Venezuela currency converter takes Bolívar currency and converts into any currency on the market.
Venezuela Bolívar or VED currency can be converted to U.S. dollars, but also you can have U.S. dollars converted to Bolívar.
Currency Tahiti Converter
The currency used in French Polynesia is the French Pacific Franc, abbreviated XPF or CFP. Tahiti currency is XPF because Tahiti is under French Polynesia.
XPF currency converter calculates the number of XPF into U.S. dollars or any other currency.
Currency converter XPF to USD works in a way where you enter the desired amount of XPF and the converter gives you the number of USD.
XPF currency rate with the euro never varies and is set at 100 F. CFP = 0.838 Euros (or 1 Euro = 119.33 F. CFP)
Bora Bora currency converter uses the same XPF currency to convert it to any other currency. Bora Bora is under French Polynesia so they use the same currency.
Currency converter French Polynesia is used for countries like Tahiti and Bora Bora, but there are many more Islands, 121 to be exact.
Taiwan Currency Converter
Currency converter for Taiwan uses New Taiwan dollar and converts into U.S. dollar or any other currency.
You can also make the opposite conversion by selecting U.S. dollars or any other currency and convert them into Taiwan dollars.
Taipei currency converter is used when you want to travel into Taipei which is the capital city of Taiwan.
Bali Currency Converter
Bali currency converter converts Indonesian Rupiah into U.S dollar or any other currency.
Bali is under Indonesia so the currency used is Indonesian Rupiah.
Convert Bali currency toUSD by entering the desired amount into the converter and you will get the converted amount into U.S. dollars. If you want you can change the outcome currency by using the drop down menu and entering the desired currency.
Convert Thailand Currency to USD
Convert Thailand currency to USD by entering the amount of Thailand Baht and the conversion will be done automatically.
Currency converters use Thailand Baht to USD to get the real market conversion.
If you want you can select any other currency in the drop down menu and get Thailand Baht converted to it.
Convertible Virtual Currency
Convertible virtual currency is the currency that can be converted to the real or fiat currency like U.S. dollar or Euro. One of the convertible virtual currencies is Bitcoin which you can convert in the exchange office.
Crypto currency converter gives you a way to get the exchange rate of Bitcoin against the U.S. dollar. Current market data gives you an accurate exchange rate to convert Bitcoin to U.S. dollar or U.S. dollar into Bitcoin.
Examples of convertible virtual currency is a cryptocurrency that can be used as payment for goods and services, digitally traded between users, and exchanged for or into real currencies or digital assets. You can trade Bitcoin on the market exchange like any other currency on the Forex market.
Costa Rican Currency Converter
Costa Rican currency converters use Costa Rican Colon and convert it into U.S dollars or any other currency.
Currency converters for Costa Rica currency accept any value from 1 to any other number.
You can switch the conversion so you can enter the U.S. dollar to get value in Costa Rican Colon.
Currency Converter CHF to USD
Currency converter from CHF to USD gives you a value of 1 Swiss Franc to U.S. dollar or any other currency.
You can switch the conversion to get 1 U.S. Dollar into Swiss Franc.
Colombian Currency Converter
Colombian currency converter takes 1 Colombian Peso and converts it to U.S. dollar or any other currency.
You can see what is the current value of 1 Colombian Peso against the U.S. dollar or you can switch the conversion and get the value of 1 U.S. dollar into Colombian Peso.
Convert Egypt Currency to USD
Convert Egypt currency to USD by entering the desired amount. The conversion will be done automatically.
Egypt currency is Egyptian Pound which you can convert into any other currency on the market.
Currency Converter SEK to USD
Currency converter SEK to USD is a conversion of Swedish Krona into U.S. dollars.
By entering the desired amount you can get automatic conversion from Krona to U.S. dollars or any other currency on the market.
Currency Converter USD to Danish Krone
Currency converter USD to Danish Krone is a conversion of U.S. dollar (USD) into Danish Krone (DKK).
Convert Denmark currency to USd by entering the desired amount and the conversion will be done automatically.
Italian Currency Converter
Italian currency converter takes Euro and converts it into any other currency.
Italian currency is Euro after changing from Italian Lira.
Spain Currency Converter
Spanish currency converter takes Euro and converts it into any other currency.
Spanish currency is Euro after changing from Spanish Peseta.
Convert Norway Currency to USD
Convert Norway currency to USD by entering the desired amount and the conversion will be done automatically.
Norway currency is Norwegian Krone and the USD is U.S. dollar.
Currency Converter Pesos to USD
Currency converter Pesos to USD is the converter that converts Mexican Peso into U.S. dollars.
You can convert the U.S. dollar into Mexican Peso by making the opposite exchange.
Use the drop down menu to convert Pesos to any other currency.
Currency Converter US to Korean Won
Currency converter US to Korean Won is a converter for the U.S. dollar into Korean Won.
This calculator is for the South Korean Won, but if you would like to have a North Korean Won use the converter one row below.
Currency Converter US to North Korean Won
Currency converter US to North Korean Won is a converter for the U.S. dollar into North Korean Won.
This calculator is for the North Korean Won, but if you would like to have a South Korean Won use the converter one row above.
Currency Converter Vietnam to USD
Currency converter Vietnam to USD takes Vietnamese Dong and converts it into U.S. dollars.
Currency converter VND to USD is a conversion where you can enter any amount and the conversion will be done automatically.
Vietnam currency converter can be used to convert U.S. dollars into Vietnam currency Dong.
Convert Czech Currency to USD
Convert Czech Currency to USD by entering the amount you want to exchange.
The exchange rate will be visible under the input fields.
You can switch the conversion to get U.S. dollars into Czech currency.
Czech currency is Czech Koruna.
Currency Converter Peru
Currency converter Peru is a converter that converts Peruvian Sol into U.S. dollars. You can select any other currency as an outcome currency with a drop down menu.
Peru currency converter can be switched to convert U.S. dollars into Peruvian Sol.
US NZ Currency Converter
US NZ currency converter converts U.S. dollar into New Zealand dollar.
New Zealand dollar (NZD) is converted with the current market exchange rate. You can switch the conversion to convert the U.S. dollar into New Zealand dollar.
Have in mind that you can convert New Zealand dollars into any other currency by using the drop down menu.
Convert Poland Currency to USD
Convert Poland currency to USD which is a conversion of Polish Zloty and U.S. dollar.
Polish Zloty or PLN against U.S. dollar USD can be calculated with the converter.
You can switch the conversion to get U.S. dollars converted into Polish Zloty.
Convert USD to Senegal Currency
Convert USD to Senegal currency by entering the amount of the U.S. dollar. The conversion will be done automatically as you enter the amount.
Senegal currency is the West AFrican CFA franc or XOF.
If you want you can switch the conversion. If you want you can convert Senegal currency into any other currency.
Costa Rica Currency Converter
Costa Rica currency converter converts Costa Rican Colon or CRC into U.S. dollars or any other currency.
You can get the conversion of the U.S. dollar into Costa Rican Colon by switching the conversion.
Currency Converter US Dollar to Turkish Lira
Currency converter US Dollar to Turkish Lira is shown here where you can see what is the current conversion of 1 Turkish Lira into U.S. dollars.
You can make the opposite conversion from the U.S. dollar to Turkish Lira by changing the conversion.
Turkish Lira can be found under the code TRY.
Laos Currency Converter
Laos currency converter is a conversion between Laos currency called Kip and U.S. dollar.
You can change the outcome currency from the U.S. dollar into any other currency.
Laos currency is Lao Kip (LAK).
Canadian Dollar Convert Indian Currency
Canadian Dollar converts Indian currency by entering the desired amount for conversion.
You can switch the conversion between Canadian Dollar(CAD) and Indian Rupee (INR).
Zimbabwe Currency Converter
Zimbabwe currency converter converts Zimbabwean dollar into U.S. dollar.
But, the conversion can be changed to convert the U.S. dollar into Zimbabwe dollar (ZWL).