Download Section

Pip and Pipette

Download Pip and Pipette Calculation.

You will learn how to calculate a pip value

Pip Range Sheet

Here you can download pip range sheet.

You can have information what is hourly, daily, weekly pip range for 12 trading pairs.

FREE 5-Day course

If you are complete beginner you should join 5 day FREE G-Trader e-mail course.

I am sharing tips and steps how to start trading on the Forex.


If you want to know how leverage impacts on the trading results you need to download this pdf.

Margin, Free Margin

When you open a trade you have free margin to spent.

I am explaining to you how margin is used.

What is LOT

Do you know how to calculate lot size?

I am sharing examples how to calculate lot size.

Trading Setups

I am sharing trading setups when I encounter a good one.

It is free and if you want to receive e-mail notification, sign up.

Demo Trade Before Live Trading

Do you know how long should you demo trade before going live?

Here is the checklist for you to help you decide.

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