by Frano Grgić | Technical Analysis
Trend lines in Forex technical analysis are the most basic tool in the technical trader’s tool. It is easy to understand how they work and you can use a trend line with any other technical tool in trading. Are you a beginner in Forex or you are experienced...
by Frano Grgić | Technical Analysis
Support and resistance levels in Forex are one of the basic technical analysis components in Forex for beginners. Those are levels where traders try to buy or sell trading pairs. You will hear or you already have that you should “Buy low and Sell high”....
by Frano Grgić | Technical Analysis
Drawing trend lines is not an easy task, but if you draw them correctly you will have a nice picture what is market doing. Where the market will move in the future you will have more success predicting with trend lines. Trend lines in technical analysis are dynamic...
by Frano Grgić | Technical Analysis |
This article will show you how to draw support and resitance level in Forex. Support and resistance level are two important levels in technical analysis you need to know and understand in order to be profitable trader. There are certain rules you need to follow to...