Metatrader 4 demo market closed is error on MT4 when the Forex market is closed and that is on weekends and holidays.
In this article you will learn when the Forex market is closed, why it is market closed and how it looks when the Forex trading platform MT4 shows market closed.
Metatrader 4 Demo Market Closed Time
Metatrader 4 market closed time is on weekends because the Forex market for retail traders is closed. Brokers that provide you trading live quotes for live or demo accounts closes their service so you cannot trade on weekends.
It is a normal operation for retail traders like you so do not worry about that.
But, behind the scenes, that means the market where you do not have the access, the Interbank market, is open and there are transactions between banks. So, it can happen that you have one price on Friday evening and on Monday morning you have a different price.
When the market opens you get a price gap which is the price difference between Friday close and Monday open price.
That is why it is smart to close all positions on Friday to avoid a price gap so you do not get surprised on Monday with trades closed with loss.
Here is the time when the Forex market is open:
From 5 p.m. EST on Sunday until 4 p.m. EST on Friday
So, the Forex market is closed on Friday 4 p.m. EST until Sunday 5 p.m.

What Is The Meaning Of “Market Closed” Error On MT4/MT5 Platforms?
Market closed on MT4/MT5 means that you cannot open or close orders that are open.
If you check the error code in MT4 then you will see that error code 132 represents the error market is closed.
If you try to open an order or close an open order you will get notification that the market is closed.

Image here shows you the Journal tab where you can see messages I got when I tried to open buy and sell order.
It says that the order for sell and buy has failed. In brackets there is a message saying “market is closed”.
This means on demo or live account you cannot trade on the Forex market because the broker server does not accept new requests.
If you send a request to open a new order or close an already open order it will be rejected because the Forex market is closed.
Be aware of this and close orders before the market closes.
Forex Market Closed About 5 Minutes at 00:00
You will see that the Forex market closes at around midnight similar as on weekends for a few minutes.
That happens because during the end of day, beginning of next, there will be swap (roll-over) calculations. Many brokers suspend trading during those minutes to prevent last second trades just to take advantage of swaps on the roll-over.
Here is an example of a message when a broker notifies you about a few minutes when the market is closed.
Market Opening Hours
Forex market opening hours are 24 hours a day and 5 days a week – outside of weekends and rollover.
MT4 Market open hours are detailed below:
Market Open = 00:01 MT4 Server Time (Monday)
Market Close = 23:55 MT4 Server Time (Friday)
These market opening hours correspond to the start of trading in Australia, followed by Asia, Europe and finally America.
Our servers are set to GMT +2 to match with the end of the trading day in the US – generally considered the close of the trading day. This means that when trading concludes in the United States at 5pm, the daily candle closes in Metatrader.
This time also corresponds to the beginning of brokers roll-over period, in which swaps are applied to any trades held over the close of the trading day.
During this time, trading is disabled for 2 minutes when brokers and banks reset their servers and liquidity is very low.
As broker’s market opening hours are set to match the close of trading in New York, our server time may change if daylight savings hours change in the US.
This means you should keep an eye out for notifications from us near the start of March and November – when daylight savings changes are likely to occur.
Demo Market Closed Because of Broker Issues
Sometimes it can happen during the week when trading hours are online that you cannot open or close orders on your demo account. And when you try to make any changes you get an error. The market is closed.
That can happen if your broker currently has some technical issues with the demo server. It can happen that they have a problem with a server that is accepting requests from your MT4/MT54 platform so the platform shows you the message “market is closed“.
If that happens the best is to call your broker and find out what is happening. Usually if the problem happens with the server they send an email notification or put a notification on their website so all their customers know that they have a problem.
Here are the most asked questions about Forex demo market closed error:
Does MetaTrader 4 Work on Weekends?
Metatrader 4 does not work on weekends because the Forex market is closed for retail traders.
What Time Does MetaTrader 4 Open on Sunday?
Metatrader 4 opens from 5 p.m. EST on Sunday.
Why is Forex Closed on Weekend
Metatrader 4 demo market is closed on weekends because the broker does not provide live currency feed to the MT4 to retail traders.