Not enough rights in MT4 means that you cannot trade on the account you are logged on because of the server restrictions. Restriction can be because you are not using master password on the Metatrader 4, but investor password so the server does not allow you to change the trade or to open new trade.
This error happens if you run an expert advisor on your account and you use investor password to log into the trading account.
Read more: What is Investor Password
It is a common error in MT4 that happens if you are new to trading and you are still learning how to trade with MT4.
In this article you will see why the error not enough rights happens and how to fix it.
Solution is to simply use the master password on the trading account where you will have all the rights.
If you do not fix this problem you will not be able to continue trading so it is advisable to check what is causing the problem and fix it quickly.
MT4 Error Not Enough Rights
If you check the MT4 error table you will see error #7 saying ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS. This represents the error where you are trying to make steps that are not allowed on that trading account.
You have no rights for trading under current account, all the trade attempts are senseless. Client terminal under user account never gets this error
The steps that are not allowed are trading without enough rights on that trading account. And the most common error is using an investor password on a real or demo account and trying to make a trade.
If you connect with an investor password where you are only allowed to watch trading activity you cannot modify or open or close a trade. Such restrictions can prevent unauthorized traders from making modifications.
Using Investor Password Cause Error Not Enough Rights
If you connect with the investor password you will see that you do not have rights to open a new order or to modify any open order.
Image shows you a message you get when you log as an investor. Trading is not allowed.

But, there is another case where you can see errors appear. And that is if you connect on the MT4 as an investor and there is an Expert Advisor active.
If you login to the account in the Journal tab you can see a message saying trading is not allowed.
Investor mode [trades are not allowed]
And the message a row above says that Automated trading enabled.
These two messages are contradictory where one says you cannot trade and another one says you can trade.
When EA starts trading and tries to send an order to the server you will receive a message saying “Not Enough Rights“. And that is because the server refuses to open an order with the investor password.

If that happens in the log window in the Journal tab you will see a message next to the order the EA is trying to open.

Server Disconnection
If you do not make a mistake and log in as an investor then there could be another reason why you get error Not Enough Rights in Metatrader 4.
And that reason can be a short disconnection of the MT4 from the server where EA cannot communicate with the broker server and cannot open new orders.
After the connection is restored, the EA starts could continue showing this error, but wait for a while and allow EA to try again to send a new order.
From experience, traders say that you need to wait from several minutes to an hour after the connection is restored to fix the error not enough rights.
Changed the Names of the Symbols
Third reason why you might not get enough errors in MT4 is because the broker changes the name of the symbols in the demo account.
And that means you have trading symbols with the name EURUSD, GBPUSD. But, there are cases when you experience a problem and you need to change the name of the symbols to have an ending, like .a /.m etc…
Fix Error Not Enough Rights
“Please make sure to be solely attempting to trade the instruments ending in .a /.m /.z etc (example EURUSD.a)
The other instruments that are available to you (without.a) are not to be used under your current connected server.”
The error Not Enough Rights says enough to you where you need to check the rights you have on the trading account you are logged on.
Fix the error easily by using master account password and be aware to use trading symbols that are allowed for trading.
This article is part of the tutorial about the Metrader trading platform. If you want continue reading more then check the next link: Metrader 4 Tutorial